Area Studies Courses Catalog

For the list of current courses offered, please see Current Courses.

For the catalog list of language courses, please see Language Courses Catalog.

The list of area studies courses listed here may be used to satisfy the coursework requirement for the REEES BA and MA degrees. Please note special circumstances which apply to certain courses. REEE area studies courses receiving full credit are indicated in bold. For courses with less than 100% REEES content: to receive partial credit, students must submit a copy of the course syllabus to the REEEC director; to receive full credit, students must submit the course syllabus and write a REEES-related paper. Approvals should be obtained in advance. Consult the Center’s listing of course offerings each semester for special topics courses and courses being offered by visiting faculty.

Notes: Course titles in italics indicate special topics courses; these may or may not be offered in subsequent semesters. An asterisk indicates an interdisciplinary course. Courses with <100% REEE content (usually those that do not have any reference to Russia, Eastern Europe, or Eurasia in the title) receive partial credit toward the degree requirements. Students must check with the Center office to determine the amount of credit to be awarded toward the degree.





ACCY 554 International Taxation
ACCY 593 Special Research Problems


ACE 251 The World Food Economy
ACE 435 Global Agribusiness Management
ACE 436 International Business Immersion (Same as BADM 436)
ACE 451 Agriculture in International Development
ACE 455 International Trade in Food and Agriculture
ACE 499 Seminar
ACE 556 Agricultural Policy and Political Economy
ACE 591 Independent Study


ACES 293 International Internship
ACES 298 International Experience


ADV 400 Special Problems


ANTH 150 Novel Archaeology (Survey of prehistory as seen by modern novelists and science fiction writers)
ANTH 175 Archaeology and Pop Culture
ANTH 209 Food, Culture, and Society
ANTH 210 Families in Global Perspective (HDFS 220)
ANTH 225 Women in Prehistory (GWS 225)
ANTH 262 Women’s Lives (GWS 262)
ANTH 268 Images of the “Other”
ANTH 278 Climate Change and Civilization
ANTH 290 Jewish Cultures of the World
ANTH 358 People of the Ice Age
ANTH 362 Body, Personhood, and Culture
ANTH 399 Special Topics
ANTH 402 Transnational Islam, Europe-US (ASST 402 & RLST 409)
ANTH 403 Women in Muslim Societies (GLBL, GWS, RLST 403; HIST 434)
ANTH 416 Anthropology of Music (MUS 416)
ANTH 488 Modern Europe
ANTH 499 Topics in Anthropology
ANTH 502 Ethnicity and Nationalism
ANTH 515 Seminar


ARCH 314 History of World Landscapes (LA 314)
ARCH 411 Ancient Roman Architecture
ARCH 510 History of World Landscapes
ARCH 511 Seminar in Ancient Architecture
ARCH 512 Seminar in Medieval Architecture


ART 140 Introduction to Art


ARTE 290 Art and Civil Society


ARTH 111 Ancient to Medieval Art
ARTH 222 Medieval Art (MDVL 222)
ARTH 241 Modern Art, 1880-1940
ARTH 257 History of Photography
ARTH 260 Grafitti and Murals
ARTH 445 European Art Between the Wars
ARTH 541 Seminar in Modern Art
ARTH 546 Seminar in Contemporary Art


ASST 402 Transnational Islam, Europe–US


ATMS 140 Climate and Global Change


BADM 380 International Business
BADM 381 Multinational Management
BADM 382 International Marketing
BADM 436 International Business Immersion (ACE 436)
BADM 582 Multinational Management
BADM 584 Global Marketing
BADM 586 International Comparative Management
BADM 590 Seminar for Business Administration


BCS 115 South Slavic Cultures
BCS 199 Undergraduate Open Seminar
BCS 215 Yugoslavia and After


CLCV 221 The Heroic Tradition (CWL 263)


CMN 232 Introduction to Intercultural Communication


CPSC 116 The Global Food Production Web


CWL 117 Russian and East European Science Fiction (SLAV 117)
CWL 151 Cross-Cultural Thematics
CWL 205 Islam and the West Through Literature
CWL 218 Survey of Ukrainian Literature (UKR 218)
CWL 221 Jewish Storytelling (ENGL 223, RLST 220, YDSH 220)
CWL 224 German Literature in Translation (GER 200)
CWL 227 Golden Age of Russian Literature (RUSS 220)
CWL 245 Survey of Polish Literature (POL 245)
CWL 249 Russian Literature and Revolution (RUSS 225)
CWL 250 Grimms’ Fairy Tales in Context (ENG 267 & GER 250)
CWL 263 The Heroic Tradition (CLCV 221)
CWL 271 The Holocaust in Context (GER 260, ENGL 268)
CWL 277 Slavic Literature Survey (SLAV 277): Fictions of the Transition*
CWL 284 Modern Jewish Literature (ENGL 284, RLST 284)
CWL 320 Literary Responses to the Holocaust (ENGL 359, RLST 320, YDSH 320)
CWL 321 Russian Writers (RUSS 320)
CWL 323 Tolstoy (RUSS 323)
CWL 324 Dostoevsky (RUSS 322)
CWL 325 Chekhov (RUSS 325 & THEA 362)
CWL 328 Special Topics in German Studies (GER 396)
CWL 335 Nabokov (ENGL 455 and RUSS 335)
CWL 421 Jewish Life-Writing: From Enlightenment to Post-Holocaust (HIST 436, RLST, SLAV, and YDSH 420)
CWL 436 Problems in Polish Literature (POL 446)
CWL 440 Russian Culture Studies (RUSS 460)
CWL 444 Problems in Romanticism (RUSS 444)
CWL 445 Problems in Realism (RUSS 445)
CWL 453 Slavic Cultural Studies (SLAV 452)
CWL 457 Russian Modernism (RUSS 424)
CWL 471 International Literary Relations
CWL 502 Methods of Comparative Literature
CWL 504 Theories of Cinema (ENGL 504 and MACS 504)


CZCH 199 Undergraduate Open Seminar


DANC 310 World Dance Forms
DANC 441 History of Dance I


ECON 220 International Economic Principles
ECON 420 International Economics
ECON 450 Development Economics
ECON 551 Topics in Development Economics
ECON 590 Individual Study and Research (Selected topics of national and international significance)


ENG 191 International Dimensions of Engineering


ENGL 223 Jewish Storytelling (CWL 221, RLST, YDSH 220)
ENGL 267 Grimms’ Fairy Tales in Context (CWL 250 and GER 250)
ENGL 268 The Holocaust in Context (CWL 271, GER 260)
ENGL 284 Modern Jewish Literature (CWL 284, RLST 284)
ENGL 359 Literary Responses to the Holocaust (CWL 320, RLST and YDSH 320)
ENGL 455 Major Authors: Topic: Nabokov (RUSS, CWL 335)
ENGL 504 Theories of Cinema (MACS 504)


EPS 325 Social Media and Global Change
EPS 403 European Education to 1600 (HIST 444, MDVL 403)
EPS 424 Economics of Education
EPS 426 Comparative Education
EPS 530 Education and Globalization
EPS 533 Global Youth and Citizenship


EPSY 563 Theories of Second Language Acquisition


EURO 501 EU Institutions and Governance
EURO 502 The EU in a Global Context


FIN 451 International Financial Markets
FIN 551 International Finance


GC 498 Graduate Domestic Study Away
GC 499 Graduate College Study Away


GEOG 106 Geographies of Globalization
GEOG 204 Cities of the World
GEOG 222 Big Rivers of the World
GEOG 310 Political Geography
GEOG 381 Environmental Perspectives
GEOG 466 Environmental Policy


GER 199 Undergraduate Open Seminar
GER 200 German Literature in Translation (CWL 224)
GER 201 German Popular Culture
GER 205 Germany and Europe
GER 251 Grimms’ Fairy Tales in Context (CWL 254 and ENGL 266)
GER 260 The Holocaust in Context (CWL 271, ENGL 268)
GER 331 Introduction to German Literature I
GER 332 German Literature and Culture
GER 385 Politics of the European Union (FR 385 and PS 385)
GER 396 Special Topics German Studies (CWL 328)
GER 418 Language and Minorities in Europe (LING 418, PS 418; SLAV 418)
GER 420 German Cultural History
GER 473 1920s to Today
GER 493 German Cinema I (MACS 493)
GER 494 German Cinema, II (MACS 494)
GER 496 Special Topics in German Studies
GER 575 20th Century German Studies
GER 593 Research in Special Topics


GLBL 100 Introduction to Global Studies
GLBL 280 Nuclear Weapons and Arms Control (PHYS 280)
GLBL 283 Introduction to International Security (PS 283)
GLBL 356 Comparative Political Economy (PS 356)
GLBL 357 Ethnic Conflict (PS 357)
GLBL 403 Women in Muslim Societies (ANTH 403, GWS 403, HIST 434, RLST 403)
GLBL 480 Energy and Security (NPRE 480)
GLBL 481 Writing Seminar on Technology and Security (NPRE 481)
GLBL 483 Seminar on Security (NPRE 483)


GMC 199 Undergraduate Open Seminar


GWS 225 Women in Prehistory (ANTH 225)
GWS 261 Gender in Transnational Perspective (SOC 261)
GWS 403 Women in Muslim Societies (ANTH, GLBL 403, HIST 434, RLST 403)


HDFS 220 Families in Global Perspective (ANTH 210)


HIST 100 Global History
HIST 142 Western Civ Since 1660
HIST 200 Introduction to Historical Interpretation: Interpreting the Modern City: London, Paris, Berlin, St. Petersburg
HIST 247 Medieval Europe (MDVL 247)
HIST 252 The Holocaust
HIST 258 Twentieth Century World to Midcentury
HIST 259 Twentieth Century World to Midcentury
HIST 260 History of Russia
HIST 261 Intro to Russian Jewish Culture
HIST 269 Jewish History since 1700
HIST 274 United States and the World since 1917 (focus on foreign relations)
HIST 345 Medieval Civilization (MDVL & RLST 345)
HIST 350 Nineteenth Century Romanticism & Politics
HIST 352 Europe in the World
HIST 353 European History from 1918 to 1939
HIST 354 Twentieth Century Europe
HIST 396 Special Topics
HIST 401 History of Terrorism
HIST 433 History of Jews in the Diaspora (RLST 434)
HIST 434 Women in Muslim Societies (ANTH, GLBL, GWS, RLST 403)
HIST 436 Jewish Life-Writing (CWL 421, RLST, SLAV, YDSH 420)
HIST 439 The Ottoman Empire
HIST 444 European Education to 1600
HIST 450 European Working Class History (LIR 450, SOC 422)
HIST 461 Russia: Peter the Great to Revolution
HIST 462 Soviet Union Since 1917
HIST 466 The Balkans
HIST 467 Eastern Europe
HIST 498 Research and Writing Seminar
HIST 502 Problems in Comparative History
HIST 545 Seminar in Early Modern Europe
HIST 550 Problems in Early Modern European History
HIST 551 Problems in European History Since 1789
HIST 552 European Seminar Since 1789
HIST 560 Problems in Russian History
HIST 561 Seminar in Russian History
HIST 596 Individual Research Project


HRD 536 International HRD


IS 490 Advanced Problems in IS
IS 590 Advanced Problems in IS
IS 530C REEE Studies Bibliographic Research Methods


JS 399 Special Topics
JS 501 Grad Intro to Jewish Culture
JS 502 Holocaust Genocide Studies
JS 551 Seminar in Jewish Culture
JS 552 Seminar Holocaust & Genocide


LAW 655 European Union Law
LAW 656 International Law
LAW 657 International Human Rights Law
LAW 793 Advanced Litigation Topics
LAW 795 Advanced Topics in Criminal Law
LAW 797 Intellectual Property Topics


LER 200 Globalization and Workers
LER 330 Comparative Labor Relations
LER 450 European Working Class History (HIST 450, SOC 422)


LING 111 Language in Globalization
LING 418 Language and Minorities in Europe (GER 418, PS 418, SLAV 418)
LING 505 Language Teaching Practicum


MDIA 299 Media Study Abroad


MDVL 111 Ancient and Medieval Art
MDVL 222 Medieval Art (ARTH 322)
MDVL 247 Medieval Europe (HIST 247)
MDVL 345 Medieval Civilization (RLST 345 and HIST 345)
MDVL 403 European Education to 1600 (EPS 403, HIST 444)


MACS 261 Survey of World Cinema I
MACS 262 Survey of World Cinema II
MACS 385 The Jewish Experience in Film
MACS 389 International Communications
MACS 391 Individual Study
MACS 410 Media Ethics
MACS 419 Russian & East European Film (Slav 419)
MACS 493 German Cinema I (GER 493)
MACS 494 German Cinema II (GER 494)


MUS 110 Intro Art Music: International Perspective
MUS 133 Introduction to World Music
MUS 252 Ethnomusicology Performance Ensembles: Balkan Ensemble
MUS 410 Period Studies in Musicology
MUS 418 Regional Studies in Musicology
MUS 450 Advanced Ensemble Music
MUS 523 Seminar in Musicology


NPRE 480 Topics in Energy Security (GLBL 480)
NPRE 481 Writing on Technology & Security (GLBL 481)
NPRE 483 Seminar on Security (GLBL 483)
NPRE 498 Special Topics


NRES 109 Global Environmental Issues


PHIL 110 World Religions
PHIL 411 Nineteenth Century Philosophy


PHYS 280 Nuclear Weapons and Arms Control (Same as GLBL 280)


POL 115 Introduction to Polish Culture (REES 115)
POL 199 Undergraduate Open Seminar
POL 245 Survey of Polish Literature (CWL 245)
POL 446 Problems of Polish Literature (CWL 436)


PS 180 Introduction to the Politics of Globalization
PS 225 Environmental Politics & Policy
PS 240 Introduction to Comparative Politics
PS 280 Introduction to International Relations
PS 282 Governing Globalization
PS 283 Introduction to International Security (GLBL 283)
PS 351 Government and Politics of Post Soviet States
PS 352 Government and Politics of Eastern Europe
PS 355 Democratization
PS 356 Comparative Political Economy (GLBL 356)
PS 357 Ethnic Conflict (GLBL 357)
PS 358 Comparative Political Behavior
PS 380 International Cooperation
PS 382 International Political Economy
PS 384 Politics of Globalization
PS 385 Politics of the European Union (FR 385 and GER 385.)
PS 386 International Law
PS 387 National Security Policy
PS 389 International Communications (MACS 389)
PS 390 American Foreign Policy
PS 391 Soviet and Post-Soviet Foreign Policy
PS 397 Authoritarian Regimes
PS 398 Strategic International Relations
PS 418 Language and Minorities in Europe (GER, LING, SLAV 418)
PS 480 Energy and Security (GLBL 480, NPRE 480)
PS 543 Global Democratization
PS 545 Politics of Post-Soviet States
PS 546 Comparative Political Behavior
PS 549 Topics in Comparative Politics
PS 581 International War
PS 582 International Political Economy
PS 583 International Organizations
PS 584 International Cooperation
PS 585 Conflict Management
PS 589 Topics in International Relations
PS 590 Research in Selected Topics


REES 115 Intro to Polish Culture
REES 116 Intro to Russian Culture
REES 200 Introduction to Russia and Eurasia
REES 201 Introduction to Eastern Europe
REES 296 Special Topics in REEES
REES 325 Social Media and Global Change
REES 390 Individual Study or Research
REES 477 Post-Communist Fiction
REES 493 Honors Senior Thesis
REES 495 Senior Seminar
REES 496 Topics in REEE Studies
REES 550 Seminar in Russian and East European Studies
REES 590 Individual Study or Research
REES 596 Topics in REEE Studies
REES 599 Thesis Research


REL 121 Intro to Christianity
REL 213 Introduction to Islam – ACP
REL 214 Introduction to Islam
REL 220 Jewish Storytelling (CWL 221, ENGL 223, and YDSH 220)
REL 242 Holocaust Religious Response
REL 269 Jewish History since 1700 (HIST 269)
REL 284 Modern Jewish Literature (CWL & ENGL 284)
REL 320 Literary Responses to the Holocaust (CWL 320, ENGL 359, YDSH 320)
REL 345 Medieval Civilization (MDVL 345 and HIST 345)
REL 403 Women in Muslim Societies (ANTH, GLBL, GWS 403, & HIST 434)
REL 408 Islam and Modern Society
REL 409 Transnational Islam, Europe-US (ANTH 402 and ASST 402)
REL 420 Jewish Life-Writing: From Enlightenment to Post-Holocaust (CWL 421, HIST 436, SLAV and YDSH 420)
REL 434 History of Jews in the Diaspora (HIST 433)
REL 480 Islamic Law
REL 482 Muslim-Christian Interactions
REL 483 Salvation in Islamic Thought
REL 494 Topics in Religious Thought
REL 496 Topics in the History of Judaism


RST 530 Critical Issues Tourism Management


RUSS 191 Freshman Honors Tutorial
RUSS 199 Undergraduate Open Seminar
RUSS 219 Russian Cinema Survey
RUSS 220 Golden Age of Russian Literature
RUSS 225 Russian Literature and Revolution (CWL 249)
RUSS 261 Introduction to Russian-Jewish Culture
RUSS 320 Russian Writers (CWL 321)
RUSS 322 Dostoevsky (Same as CWL 324)
RUSS 323 Tolstoy (CWL 323)
RUSS 325 Chekhov (CWL 325 and THEA 362)
RUSS 335 Nabokov (CWL 335)
RUSS 418 Eighteenth-Century Literature
RUSS 424 Russian Modernism (CWL 457)
RUSS 438 Modern Russian Poetry
RUSS 444 Problems in Romanticism (CWL 444)
RUSS 445 Problems in Realism (CWL 445)
RUSS 460 Russian Culture Studies (CWL 440)
RUSS 461 Russia and the Other
RUSS 465 Russian-Jewish Culture
RUSS 466 Russian Women’s Writing
RUSS 474 Russian Literary Translation
RUSS 511 Russian Literature 1800-1855
RUSS 512 Russian Literature 1855-1905
RUSS 520 Russian Writers
RUSS 521 Gogol
RUSS 522 Dostoevsky
RUSS 523 Tolstoy
RUSS 524 Pushkin
RUSS 535 Nabokov (CWL 535)


SLAV 117 Russian and East European Science Fiction
SLAV 120 Russian and East European Folktales
SLAV 199 Undergraduate Open Seminar
SLAV 417 11th-17th Century Russian Literature and Language
SLAV 418 Language and Minorities in Europe (GER 418, LING 418, PS 418)
SLAV 419 Russian and East European Film (CINE 419, COMM 419)
SLAV 420 Jewish Life-Writing: From Enlightenment to Post-Holocaust (CWL 421, HIST 436, RLST and YDSH 420)
SLAV 430 History of Translation
SLAV 452 Slavic Cultural Studies (CWL 453)
SLAV 477 Post Communist Fiction
SLAV 525 Problems in Slavic Literature
SLAV 576 Methods in Slavic Graduate Study
SLAV 591 Individual Topics
SLAV 599 Thesis Research


SOC 196 Issues in Sociology
SOC 261 Gender in Transnational Perspective (GWS 261)
SOC 364 Impacts of Globalization
SOC 366 Postsocialism in Eastern Europe
SOC 396 Special Topics in Sociology
SOC 422 European Working Class History (HIST and LIR 450)
SOC 562 Seminar in Transnational Studies


THEA 199 Undergraduate Open Seminar
THEA 362 Chekhov (CWL 325 and RUSS 325)
THEA 467 Contemporary Theatrical Forms
THEA 564 Studies in Theatre History: Twentieth Century


TURK 199 Undergraduate Open Seminar
TURK 490 Special Topics in Turkish


UKR 113 Ukrainian Culture
UKR 199 Undergraduate Open Seminar
UKR 218 Survey of Ukrainian Literature (CWL 218)
UKR 498 Problems in Ukrainian Literature


UP 185 Cities in a Global Perspective
UP 428 International Planning Studio
UP 455 Economic Development workshop
UP 494 Special Topics in Planning
UP 501 Planning History and Theory


YDSH 220 Jewish Storytelling (CWL 221, ENGL 223, and RLST 220)
YDSH 320 Literary Responses to the Holocaust (CWL 320, ENGL 359, RLST 320)
YDSH 420 Jewish Life-Writing (CWL 421, HIST 436, RLST 420, SLAV 420)